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Visual LISP, AutoLISP and General Customization Learn; Support & learning. ... anyone is interested in what the ET command does compared to SuperFlatten with such aHello Forum ! I m getting this error with superflatten.lsp Could anyone care to advise help ? Command: superflatten Error: Element not fo Visual LISP…Lisp là phẳng đối tượng (giống hệt lệnh FLATTEN) nhưng khắc phục được các nhược điểm của lệnh FLATTEN gốc. Biến các đối tượng 3D thành 2D, các điểm có Z …39617 · Does anyone know where to download an AutoCAD lisp routine thats flattens the Z values to ZERO but in the current UCS and not the World UCS... we have plenty of lisp routines like Z2ZERO and FLATTEN but these all utilise the World UCS.CAD Forum - flatten lisp | CAD tips for AutoCAD, LT, Inventor, Revit, Map, Autodesk, HP (p.2)So I ve been looking at flattening a list in lisp. However, what I wanted to do is flatten a list level by level. So instead of having (flatten (a (b (d (g f))) e)) = (a b d g f e) i want (f...37001 · Does someone out there have a LISP that will change all of the Z cooridates to equal zero? I have AutoCAD 2000 if that makes a difference. I …Flatten a list using common lisp. ... @JoshuaTaylor crazy thing about that is that most lisp question with flatten in them are either Scheme questions ... Super User ...Le fichier ZIP contient le fichier LISP (TotalPerim.lsp), un exemple de bloc (TotalPerimeter.dwg) et un fichier texte (lisez_moi.txt). commandes : totalperim (insertion et liaison), perimupd (mise à jour de l attribut), perimedit (lier ou détacher des objets), perimshow (mettre en surbrillance les objets liés), perimconv (facteur de conversion).39252 · Super Moderator Join Date ... Or you can get the .lisp function. Dave Peterson ... how can I flatten linework in a drawing Okay.

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